About The Marriage Blog

About TMB

Hi there, thanks for stopping by The Marriage Blog. My name is Kayode Olorunfemi, married to the Doyin and together we have daughters – Tamilore & Damisi. We live in Marston Moretaine, and fellowship in a local church which meets in Great Denham, Bedford.

Why a Blog?

If I could sum up the first few months of marriage in a sentence it would be – a taste of heaven on earth. We had very little (actually, we had nothing), but what we had in love was more than enough. Then begins to unfold and gradually the door left open that used to be cute is now a mild irritatant.

A year and a half pass by, child number 1 introduces herself, we are overjoyed with this addition to our love nest. A couple of months shy of 3 years child number 2 joins the clan, our joy doubles, our already stretched means becomes ever tighter and life starts to become tough.

It’s a miracle (through God’s grace) our marriage survive the past two and a half decades, we were grossly unprepared for marriage. We sometimes joke about a second honeymoon now that our once little ones have begun to fly the nest (they do return quite often so not quite sure if they’ve flown or are flying the nest). In my mind these are the golden years of marriage, financial platform is relatively stable, children are less dependent on you and you’ve grown to build a life with your spouse. However, in the past few years I have seen many of my people who I would consider the same age group or tenure of marriage come under immense strain, and some to breaking point.

The number of relationships that have broken down or are tottering on the edge seems to have caught me off guard. I don’t know what the statistics are on divorce for marriages over 20 years are, but what I see around me hurts, deeply. When i’ve counselled with friends who don’t seem to improve or end in divorce I look back and wonder if I could have prayed harder, been more direct or listened more carefully to God in what I said to them.

The Marriage Blog

The Marriage Blog is my attempt to say things I wished I had said sooner and a way of reminding myself of the things I ought to continue to do.

TMB hopes to exhort and inspire couples to build a marriage founded on their relationship with God. We will look at marriage from a Biblical perspective; written to those who trust in Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

We have 3 guiding principles

  1. We want to talk to you as individuals rather than as a couple. Too often we see couples who anchor their obedience to each others behaviour rather than to their own Lord. A strong marriage is made up of two people individually yielded to God.
  2. Every thought we espouse/premise will be founded on scripture. We are not disregarding human wisdom and good books on marriage but wanted to be up front that this will be more theological than opinion.
  3. We are not the sole voice of God and encourage you to go back and check the scriptures for yourself, being noble like the Jews in Berea (Acts 17:10-11).

1 John chapter 4 and verse 19 says

“We love because he first loved us.” ,

Our hope above all, is that you find and found yourselves in His love, and from which you can love your spouse and others.

Spread the word: